VHF Channel 68

'Beaulieu River Radio'
01590 616200

River News

Beaulieu River > River News

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As construction is completed on the external boatshed building, work has moved inside to create new waterfront offices and workshops for the 2025 sailing season.
Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour is proud to announce the appointment of Parker Adams as the new on-site yacht broker partner serving Beaulieu River customers.
Lord Montagu has selected Oliver Crockett's shot of a cheeky Beaulieu River resident as the winner of the 2024 photography competition.
As we look forward to the 2025 sailing season, the new-look boatshed at Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour is taking shape.
The first apprentice at Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour has won the ViewHR Award for Apprentice of the Year in the 2024 New Forest Brilliance in Business Awards.
To ensure the safety of our residents and customers, our marina is now equipped with lithium fire extinguishers, located at the Fuel Pontoon and outside the Harbour Office.
It feels like the calm before the storm, as mild ‘grey’ weather precedes what winter has in store. Now is the time to get ahead with preparations to keep your boat safe for the winter.
Work has started on the £2m redevelopment of the boatshed at Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour offering opportunities for marine-based businesses to relocate to one of the most desirable marinas on the south coast.
Deputy Harbour Master Adam Lewis has worked with the Beaulieu River team to create a new design of safety ladder which make rescues from the water even safer.
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