VHF Channel 68

'Beaulieu River Radio'
01590 616200

River News

Beaulieu River > River News > Wildlife
Lord Montagu has selected Oliver Crockett's shot of a cheeky Beaulieu River resident as the winner of the 2024 photography competition.
A grey seal pup which was recently born on the Beaulieu River is believed to be the first of its kind in Hampshire waters. Conservationists have been keeping a watchful eye to give it every chance of survival.
Keen amateur photographer Maggie White has scored a hat trick by winning the Beaulieu River photo competition for the third time, with her action-packed sailing picture.
The tranquil beauty of the Beaulieu River is the perfect place for a winter getaway as excitement builds for the festive season.
Miguel, the Alexandrine parrot, who joined the Beaulieu River team last year, decided that he was due some annual leave. Last Thursday, as the team were getting ready to close the Harbour Master’s office for the day, Miguel escaped and flew off into the evening sunset.
No matter what time of year, there are always interesting birds to see out on the Beaulieu River.