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Winter Mooring Tips

9th Dec 2022
Beaulieu River > River News > Facilities > Winter Mooring Tips

Winter is upon us and the nights are starting to draw in. Follow these top tips for mooring your boat through the winter months.

Berthing lines – all berthing lines should be either braided or multi-plait nylon or polyester. The lines should be of a size suitable for your vessel and may need to be considerably larger than those which you use during the sailing season. All berthing lines (i.e. breasts and springs) should be doubled up, preferably with separate lengths of rope in the winter.

Fairleads and cleats – check all your fairleads and cleats to eliminate sharp edges. It is amazing how quickly a rope can be destroyed by a sharp edge on a fairlead.

Fenders – make sure that your fenders are properly inflated and securely attached. Ideally, they should be concentrated at the widest point, with others spaced evenly along the rest of the topsides.

Sails and dodgers – ideally, sails and dodgers should be removed for the winter. If you must leave furled genoas bent on, do not rely solely on the furling line to keep the sail furled – a snapped furling line will result in a shredded genoa.

Spray hoods/cockpit enclosures/covers – if these must remain in place during the winter, make sure that they are properly secured and consider frapping them for the winter (i.e. pass additional ropes over the top of the canvas).

Bow to prevailing conditions – most boats will suffer less risk of damage if they are moored facing the prevailing wind (as far as possible).

Insurance – check your insurance. Are you covered for the winter months on your mooring? Is Third Party sufficient to protect your investment?

Routine checks – check your boat regularly, especially if high winds are forecast. It is unrealistic to leave your boat on its mooring at the end of the summer season and expect that all will be well when you return six months later unless you check it regularly throughout the winter. A check once a fortnight is recommended.

Mooring Strops – Check you have 2 lines attached and that they are fed through the fairlead and are fit for purpose. If you require a new strop, please contact the Dock Masters for further information.

Tenders – If you keep a tender or dory on the fuel jetty, please remember to check it regularly especially if we have experienced a lot rain. If not being used please either take it home to the store.

Batteries – Ensure your battery is in good condition and is protected from overcharging.

Looking for a winter berth? Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour offers temporary and permanent berths within a safe, sheltered location. Get in touch with our friendly team to find out more.

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