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Weathering the winter storms

9th Nov 2023
Beaulieu River > River News > Facilities > Weathering the winter storms

Storm Ciarán has sent a reminder that the unseasonably mild weather is on the turn and it’s time to hunker down for the winter.

While we have been experiencing high winds and lashing rain along the south coast, it is important to regularly check your boat for damage and ensure it is safely attached to its mooring.  

If you are not planning to use your tender or dory until the new year, then now is the time to either collect it or take advantage of our winter storage offer at £100 for six months. Book your space soon to avoid disappointment.

Did you also know that resident berth and mooring holders are entitled to 10% off boat lifts and launches as well as 30 days free storage at any time of year (excluding under cover storage and seasonal offers)?

Beaulieu River Awards

As more winter storms are on the horizon, battening down the hatches with early precautions can help to save costly repairs and insurance claims which have been on the rise in recent years. Bilge pump batteries can run down and sails become unfurled, while cockpit drains block with leaves and lines work loose.

Our team carries out regular checks and helps with preparations when storms are forecast but it is always worth making more detailed checks yourselves, to give you peace of mind. 

Our top tips:

Remove anything you can from on deck to reduce windage – whether your boat is in the marina or on a mooring.
Take down all of your dodgers, biminis, boom-tents, MOB gear, spinnaker or whisker poles and store your outboard, tender or life raft below deck or at home.
Stow the mainsail and headsail to stop them being damaged. If you must leave furled genoas bent on, do not rely solely on the furling line to keep the sail furled – a snapped furling line will result in a shredded genoa.
If spray hoods, cockpit enclosers or covers need to remain in place, ensure they are properly secured and consider frapping them, with extra ropes over the top of the canvas.
Carry out wear and tear checks on ropes as well as fenders, to ensure they are fully inflated.
Don’t underestimate what a mooring line goes through in a storm and use twice as many as normal to fully secure it. Check fairleads and cleats to eliminate sharp edges – it is amazing how quickly a rope can be destroyed by a sharp edge. Protect your lines where they will rub by using old rags, sticky sail repair patches or split pipe.
Check that scuppers and cockpit drains aren’t blocked.
Below deck, close and lock all the hatches, portholes and windows as gale-powered rain will always find a way in.
Moor facing into the prevailing wind, as most boats will suffer less risk of damage this way.
And, in case it’s needed, check your insurance covers winter mooring months and that third-party is sufficient to protect your investment.

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We have good early warnings when new storms are forecast, providing an opportunity to be better prepared when they hit our part of the country.

Our team is on hand 24 hours a day and will walk the pontoons to help prevent any damage but you can help us to ensure that your boat is safely secured and ready to face the winter elements.  


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