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Lord Montagu’s presentation to winner of Beaulieu River photo competition and owner of the boat in her picture

12th Jun 2024
Beaulieu River > River News > Awards > Lord Montagu’s presentation to winner of Beaulieu River photo competition and owner of the boat in her picture

Lord Montagu has presented keen amateur photographer Maggie White with a canvas print of the action-packed sailing picture which made her the Beaulieu River photo competition winner for the third year running.

He presented a second print to Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour mooring holder Joanne Husband, whose British Folkboat Tomic was the subject of the winning entry entitled Messing About on the River.

Lord Montagu said: “I have quite a task in front of me each year, judging all the entries. I don’t mark them or have a system but go for what I like and that is something which captures a little bit of action, weather and interesting colours. At the time this was taken, the sea was quite green, which was picked up on the deck of the boat and tied together nicely with the landscape behind.”

Maggie White explained: “I was inspired to take the photo by having a camera in hand when I was sailing up the reach at the bottom of the river and it was a fabulous day, with a beautifully coloured boat.”

Joanne Husband said: “The River Beaulieu has been the home mooring for Tomic for over half a century, where she has a sheltered swinging mooring nestled by the Mulberry Dock inlet. She is often to be seen setting her sails to tack down the river and on into the Solent.”

She added: “Tomic was built in 1958 by my late husband Tom, while working in the family business Husbands Shipyard at Marchwood on Southampton Water. She has had a long illustrious racing career which harvested multiple trophies and is still meticulously and diligently maintained in a manner that belies her years.”

The annual photo competition is open to all amateur photographers who are inspired to capture the unique quality of the beautiful Beaulieu River, which has been protected by the custodianship of the Montagu family for over four centuries.

Over three years Maggie, a member of Beaulieu Camera Group, has beaten hundreds of rivals with her winning entries. She was also presented with a £200 prize and her picture features in the 2024 Beaulieu River Tide Times & Information booklet.

The 2024 Beaulieu River photo competition is now open and entries can be sent, with full contact details, to photo@beaulieu.co.uk. For winning examples, details and T&Cs see https://www.beaulieuriver.co.uk/photo-competition/.

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