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First apprentice at Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour wins top award

29th Nov 2024
Beaulieu River > River News > Awards > First apprentice at Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour wins top award

The first apprentice at Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour has won the ViewHR Award for Apprentice of the Year in the 2024 New Forest Brilliance in Business Awards.

Oli Rickard, aged 24, has become a popular face with Beaulieu River berth and mooring holders after helping as a river hand, then working towards his Level 2 Marina & Boatyard Operative qualification.

The awards welcomed 200 local businesses and New Forest Business Partnership said: “Oli’s dedication shone through in the glowing feedback from customers and colleagues, marking him as a true rising talent in our maritime community.”

Harbour Master Wendy Stowe said: “We are so proud of Oli and that his achievements have been recognised by winning this top award.”

She added: “We look forward to sharing Oli’s outstanding skills and customer service with our Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour customers on the Beaulieu River.”

Oli has been learning to deliver a wide range of services, from lifting, launching and pressure-washing vessels to moving boats on the water. He has also studied safety rules and regulations, undertaken marina maintenance tasks and developed skills to assist boat owners and visitors.

He moved from his home in Plymouth to start his apprenticeship and now lives on the Beaulieu Estate. His Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour apprenticeship will be completed by the end of the year.

Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour was recently ranked as one of the UK’s best marinas by being placed in the top 5% of 5 Gold Anchors winners by The Yacht Harbour Association. It was also voted the best place for sailors to call home when it won the prestigious Marina of the Year title in British Yachting’s awards in 2022.

Work is now underway on a £2m redevelopment of the boatshed offering opportunities for marine-based businesses to relocate to the desirable marina. Office space and meeting rooms with panoramic views across the Beaulieu River are being created, along with workshop units and new boat refit facilities. All will be available to rent from spring 2025.

Notes of interest are now being taken and preference will be given to tenants who provide value-added services for owners of boats on the marina’s 200 fully-serviced walk-ashore pontoon berths and 300 river moorings. For more details click here or contact the Harbour Master at wendy.stowe@beaulieu.co.uk.

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