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Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour & Beaulieu River reopen to berth and mooring holders

13th May 2020
Beaulieu River > River News > Facilities > Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour & Beaulieu River reopen to berth and mooring holders

Following the UK Government update on Covid-19 on 10 May, residents in England are now allowed to take part in unlimited outdoor activity, which following further clarification on 13 May now includes watersports.

This can be either alone, with members of their household, or with one person from outside their household if social distancing guidelines can be followed.

Taking this into consideration, as of 13 May 2020, Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour and Beaulieu River berth and mooring holders are now able to access their boats. The car park, boatyard, marina and slipway will be accessible but only to Beaulieu River berth and mooring holders at this time, and in a controlled phased manner to ensure the safety of customers and staff.

The Government have confirmed that you cannot at this stage stay on your boat overnight unless it is your primary residence. Boat owners are therefore welcome to visit and use their boats but should return home at the end of the day. Onsite facilities including the showers and chandlery will remain closed for the time being with access to lavatories only. Boat owners have been sent an email with further details on the basis for reopening.

The marina reconfiguration works, which have been delayed by the Government shutdown, are now being completed and therefore the marina and river remain closed for the time being to visiting vessels. The team is looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the marina as soon as the works are completed and it is safe to do so.

At this stage of the reopening, the slipway will not be available to visitors wishing to launch kayaks, paddleboards, canoes and day-boats.

The situation will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure customers and staff remain safe.

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