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Anchoring in the Beaulieu River

10th Jul 2020
Beaulieu River > River News > Facilities > Anchoring in the Beaulieu River

The Beaulieu River is a special place and the Beaulieu Estate works closely with environmental agencies to continue to protect its unique habitats and species.

Seagrass meadows are important marine habitats that provide nurseries for fish, as well as coastal protection and water purification. They are therefore closely monitored and their delicate roots need protecting.

For these environmental reasons, anchoring is only permitted between piles 20 and 22. 

Harbour Master Wendy Stowe said: “We work closely with the environmental agencies to ensure that the Beaulieu River remains special. We are therefore asking people not to anchor in the areas of sensitive habitat. Visitor buoys number 1-8 are available from just £10 a night as a reasonable alternative to dropping anchor.”

Signs informing visitors will be erected at the entrance to the river.

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